The Three Main Types Of Habitats

The Three Main Types Of Habitats

1. Terrestrial Habitat- It is the habitat that consists of landforms, like mountains, forests, deserts and etc. Animals that live in forests, mountains, deserts and etc. live in terrestrial habitats. There are many types of terrestrial habitats like deserts, forests, mountains, valleys and etc. Animals found in the terrestrial habitat have lungs to breathe through. 

2. Aquatic Habitat- It is the habitat that consists of water bodies like oceans, seas, rivers, ponds, lakes, and etc. Animals like fish live in aquatic habitats, the animals that live in water bodies, live in aquatic habitats. Animals that live in aquatic habitat have gills to breathe through.

3. Aerial Habitat- It is the habitat that consists of animals like birds that spend most of their time in the air. Animas that live in terrestrial habitat have lungs to breathe through.


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