
Showing posts from November, 2020

Tropical Evergreen Forests

 Tropical Evergreen Forests They are forests that receive heavy rainfall like tropical rainforests, nearly 200 cm of rainfall. There the trees are green always there is no period of drought.  The tropical wet evergreen forest in India is usually found in areas receiving more than 200 cm of rainfall and having a temperature of 15-30 degrees Celsius.  They occupy about 7% of the earth’s surface.  They are found mostly near the equator.  They have sparse undergrowth interspersed with clearings.  They have a scarce presence of litter organic matter settling on the ground.  These forests are dense and multi-layered.  They harbor many types of plants and animals.  The forests constitute an important part of the environment and ecology.  These trees are an important component of the Forest Biology and ecosystem that helps to promote life in the ecosystem. This allows the plants and animal life to harmonize and live with one another in absolute ...

Tropical Rainforests

 Tropical Rainforests Tropical rainforests are forests that have a very heavy rainfall occurring in the tropical areas. It has many species of wildlife and vegetation. Rainforests cover less than 2 percent of the earth's surface. They are the most productive and complex ecosystem on Earth. They are the home of 50-70 percent of all the forms of life. There are four types of trees, descending order from the largest to smallest- Emergents- 50 meters, Canopy- 30-40 meters, Under Canopy- 20-30 meters, Shrubs- 0-1 meters. There is a lot of rainfall but when the rainfall slows down then the temperature goes too high.

Air Purifying Plants

 Air Purifying Plants Some plants are called air-purifying plants as they can remove harmful substances such as benzene, xylene, and formaldehyde from the air. These harmful substances can be dangerous for some people and the air purifying plants can remove them. There is a large number of varieties of air-purifying plants. NASA says that every 100 square feet house should have 2-3 air purifying plants.

Fruit Plants

 Fruit Plants There are many types of flowering plants, some produce fruits and some vegetables, when the season of different fruits come then that fruit plants start flowering, this is the sign that the plant is going to produce fruits, In those plants, fruits are the way of reproduction by seeds and also we eat them, But all fruits are not edible to eat. So, the main purpose of fruits is that they are a way of reproduction. 

Flowering Plants

 Flowering Plants They are also called Angiospermae, or Magnoliophyta, they are the most diverse group of land plants. They are generally seed-producing plants and they also reproduce by their seeds. There are many types of flowering plants like some are only flowering plants and some are fruit plants and some are vegetable plants, in fruit or vegetable plants the sign of growing fruits and vegetables is flowering. Some flowering plants are known for their smell, some for their look and etc. The seed of them is in the flowers, in the center of the flower.

Mountain Plants

 Mountain Plants All the plants have adapted themselves to live in different habitats and like other habitats plants also live in the mountains and have adapted themselves to live there. They have adapted themselves in the following ways- They have a cone-like structure and slope-like leaves so that if the snow falls on them it slides and falls down. So, this way they are able to survive in the mountains.

The Sense Of Taste

 The Sense Of Taste All the animals have five senses and some have super senses like The Orangutans have taste buds on their tongues. Most animals rely on these receptors to determine what they can and cannot eat. Typically, bitter, unripe fruits can be toxic, so most animals stay away from them. But Orangutans eat them. They also eat soil rich in minerals that apparently help neutralize the toxins.

The Sense Of Sound

 The Sense Of Sound All the animals have the 5 senses and some have some extra senses. One of the super sense is sound, the Beluga whales use clicks, whistles, and chirps to communicate with members of their pod. They also use sound-in in the form of echolocation-to find food. While hunting, the whale emits sounds that travel underwater until they encounter an object. The sounds then bounce back to the whale, revealing the location of its target.

The Sense Of Sight

 The Sense Of Sight All the animals have 5 senses and some have super senses, One of the sense is sight, The Sharp-Shinned Hawk has a super sight. It can see twice as far as a human. Its eyes are packed with sensory cells called rods and cones that allow it to see with great clarity. In addition, like many birds, it can see more colors than humans can. This ability allows them to easily pick out prey that may be camouflaged.

The 5 Senses Of Animals

 The Five Senses Of Animals All the animals have 5 senses: Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste, and smell. They use them to find food, shelter, and each other, as well as to navigate, communicate, avoid predators, and attract a mate. All the animals have these five senses but some animals have extra sense like some animals have very good sight and some have a good sense of hearing and etc. The five senses help the animals to survive. 

Life Cycle Of Animals And Their Babies

 Life Cycle Of Animals And Their Babies Every animal starts out life as an egg produced by a female. Most eggs that develop into adult animals have been fertilized with sperm produced by a male. There are exceptions, though. Worker Honeybees, for example, lay eggs that are never fertilized; they develop into male bees called drones. The fertilized eggs of vertebrate animals develop into embryos. In Mammals, except for the platypus these grow inside the female's body, developing organs and limbs over time until she gives birth to live young. This is also the case for some fish and reptiles. But for most, and for all birds and amphibians, their young develop inside eggs laid by females. After an animal is born, it must learn to survive in the wild. Some learn by imitating their parents, whereas others must fend for themselves. The animal grows until it reaches maturity. At this point, it is ready to mate producing an offspring of its own and enabling another life cycle to begin.


 Metamorphosis During the life cycle, the butterflies undergoes a complete change, called metamorphosis, in four stages. A butterfly begins life as an egg. After four days, a caterpillar, or a larva, hatches. For two weeks, it feasts on its eggshell and milkweed plants. Then it becomes a pupa by forming a protective shell called a chrysalis. Two weeks later, a butterfly emerges. 

Aquatic Animals

 Aquatic Animals Animals that live in the water for most of their time are known as aquatic animals, they can be vertebrate or invertebrate. They breathe either the oxygen in the air or the oxygen dissolved in water through their lungs, gills, or directly through the skin. There are many types of aquatic animals like fish, octopus, squids, whales, dolphins, turtles and etc. Some are very poisonous and some breathe the oxygen in the air on the surface of the water, some have a jelly-like structure and some have a structure like an insect. Their variety differs from their structure and different modes of adaptation.